A large German man named Matt came to our school. Big strong guy. He liked to fight and prove he could beat people up, a trait typically found in adolescent boys. He wanted to change and I told him Tae Kwon-Do could help.
Educating a child on the differences of right and wrong, being a good person, and the morality of non-violence is not the same for an adult. Children are accustomed to having grownups tell them what to do. When a child acts out of line, a teacher can enforce discipline to correct the behavior.
Set in Their Ways
Aggressive adults are more stubborn and set in their ways. They do not like being told what to do and will beat people up just to prove they can. In Matt’s case, he used his size and strength to eliminate his threats. This was his way (at least he thought) of earning respect from people.
The first lesson I taught Matt was that being big and strong doesn’t mean you’re better than other people. To prove my point, I would take him down in sparring matches. It frustrated Matt to have a little guy like me beating him up. He would come at me with everything he had but could never take me down.
Refocusing Aggression
Matt’s aggression needed to be refocused, and that takes discipline. There’s no age limit to studying Tae Kwon-Do. I’ve trained 5 year olds and I’ve trained 50 year olds. When you apply discipline to focus your mind on your goal, and use the mind, body, and spirit as one, you can accomplish anything.
Even though I could beat him, Matt respected me. Through discipline I taught Matt to focus on what it takes to be a good person. In time, Matt learned what I teach all my students…nothing good ever comes from fighting. Fighting is a last resort where there’s nothing to be gained.
We now call Matt the Gentle Giant. Tae Kwon-Do taught him respect is earned by respecting others. Matt lives by the Five Tenets of Tae Kwon-Do: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and Indomitable Spirit. He changed his behavior and lives a more happier and successful life.
Master Gorino’s Tae Kwon-Do offers a trial program for individuals and families in Buffalo, NY and the surrounding areas that allows you to get a feel for the different classes, meet our instructors, and experience our dojang. It’s a great way to see if Tae Kwon-Do is right for you. To learn more or to sign up, register online or call (716) 836-KICK (5425) and a member of our team will follow up with you on next steps. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals. Pil-Sung!