The sad truth.
Many parents sign their children up for Tae Kwon-Do because unfortunately
their child is being bullied. Our students are trained to deal with bullies,
whether being bullied themselves or witnessing someone else being
Martial arts teaches you how to defend yourself, but when encountering a
bully, it’s not about fighting and being able to beat the bully up. It’s about
knowing the proper response when a bullying situation occurs and how to
become safe.
Our Program
We developed the “Bullying Stops With Me.” program so we can take our
message out of the dojang and into the schools promoting anti-bullying
traits, such as kindness and understanding.
Our specially designed shirts identify us as ambassadors of a “safe” place
or people that others can gravitate towards if a bullying situation arises.

For example, we teach our students not to watch and feel bad for a person being picked on.
Be proactive in reaching out to help a person.
Invite that person to join you for lunch.
If a person is getting poked or pushed around by a couple of guys, how can you get them out of that situation?
Become involved to help protect that
I DON’T want our students fighting. I DON’T want them breaking up fights.
This is all about standing up for the person being bullied yet avoiding fights
whenever possible.
The idea is to get the person out of the situation. That means finding the
right person, such as a teacher or a police officer. If a fight breaks out,
you’re not the person who’s gonna break up the fight, but you’re also not
the person standing there with your camera out. You’re running for help.
Everyone of my students believes:
Bullying doesn’t exist because I won’t let it.
If someone is bullying me or someone else, it’s gonna stop.
It stops with me.