February 18, 2012 marks our 16th Annual School Banquet and Awards Ceremony. This event is SaBum-Nim’s favorite. The venue is Classics V on Niagara Falls Blvd. (about 3 miles from the Dojang) The food is incredible and the facility is top notch.
The banquet is a wonderful opportunity for our students and families to get together and share a meal, laughs and stories. Additionally, some of our students will put on a demonstration that will be exciting and even a little educational. Every student in attendance will receive a trophy for making our Dojang the best anywhere. Also, students who competed in last year’s East Coast Championship Series will receive their awards and other honors will be given out as well. There will be music and dancing and well, a good time for all!
Reserve your spot by 2/3 and take adavnatge of the Early Bird specials. You are guaranteed a great experience. If you have any questions, ask a staff member or SaBum-Nim. And remember to dress appropriately as this is definitely a semi-formal affair!